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Hidden Knowledge Course: Lesson 11

Make a Difference

You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.
  ~  Buckminster Fuller

Welcome to the final lesson of the Hidden Knowledge Course. In this lesson, you will both review previous lessons and learn about some awesomely inspiring movements spreading in our world. This lesson concludes the course by moving beyond duality and polarization to a place where every one of us is honored for being the unique individuals that we are.

We know that each of us has our challenges and weaknesses. We honor these places as teachers which can lead us to ever greater personal growth. We invite all of us to support each other in moving into and through these difficult places, so that we might find ways to connect more meaningfully and support each other ever more effectively.

We also honor, support, and celebrate the individual strengths and unique talents each of us bring to our lives and world. When we combine all of our strengths and abilities with a shared intention to foster transformation in both ourselves and our world, the new paradigm cannot help but grow and spread rapidly in our lives and around the world. Each one of us plays a vital role in this beautiful unfolding. Thanks for being who you are and for joining us in this exciting time on our world.

Though this last lesson is largely for review, there are a few last inspiring pieces for your enjoyment. First, here's the unusual true story of a boy's last wish which led to the founding of the Make-a-Wish Foundation. - A Boy's Last Wish

For all the sadness it can bring, death can also be an amazing awakening both for the one who makes the passage, and for those who remain behind.

There is much talk these days in certain circles about the Indigo children – sometimes called rainbow children or starseeds. These are said to be souls who come here from places beyond Earth to help our world during this time of transition.

There are many stories of amazing children far beyond their years in emotional development or in certain talents. Akiane Kramarik is a good example of one of these. We invite you to watch a short, inspiring video clip of this child prodigy artist discussing her beautiful work at the young age of 10 years old. - Akiane

Akiane's mother was an atheist until her own daughter awakened her to a spiritual path. For more on Akiane, click here. For more on the inspiring Indigo children, see the New York Times article available here. These clearly are remarkable times in which we live!

Many are predicting an imminent Armageddon or major economic collapse on our planet. Yet how does it help to focus on fear? What if instead, while working to understand the shadow side of ourselves and our world, we continually choose to focus most on doing our very best in this and in every moment of our lives. Consider the below allegory:

These times are like a huge tidal wave which has arisen and is threatening to swallow the entire planet. Many don't even see the massive wave and are swept away as it crashes down. Others who see the unstoppable wave are paralyzed by fear and experience the same fate. Some try desperately to run away, but cannot escape the mighty wave which rapidly overtakes them and washes them away.

Those living with clear intentions and purpose, however, on seeing the immense wave about to engulf them, realize that running is futile. Tapping into their inner wisdom, they take a deep breath and dive straight into the wave. Their full lungs eventually buoy them up so that they pop out at the surface on the other side, arriving in a new world.

Yet wait! Then there are those who understand the holographic interconnectedness of all beings. On seeing this huge wave, they first open to their unwavering commitment to make a difference ... and then they grab their surf boards! "If there's going to be a tidal wave," they say, "we might as well have a good time riding it out!"

Having fun while riding out the mighty wave, these unstoppable people help all they can along the way, inviting all they encounter to join them in joyful work of building a new world once the wave has passed.

This is not at all to say that there is going to be some kind of disaster scenario. Many of us are optimistic that this is not necessary. Yet no matter what happens in the future, if we let our fears control us, we will very likely end up lost or swept away by all that happens around us. If instead, we move with compassion and a clear intention to make a difference, we can actually have a great time together as we ride out any crisis that comes our way.

We can choose to live fully in each moment, accepting that we will die whenever it is our time to die. So as long as we are here in this world, let us choose to support each other in playing full out, in being the very best we can be, and in spreading powerful transformation to all whose lives we touch.

To leave you with one last inspiring piece, we invite you to watch the powerful video below. Enjoy this refreshing six-minute video clip of Paul Hawken discussing "Blessed Unrest" at the inspiring Bioneers conference, where he talks about how the largest movement in the world came into being, and why no one saw it coming. And for Paul's networking website listing over 100,000 organizations from around the world dedicated to transformation and more, click here. - Inspiring movements

We're all interconnected

If you love the sacred and despise the ordinary,
you are still bobbing in the ocean of delusion.

  Lin Chi

To Complete Hidden Knowledge Course Lesson 11: Click Here

The Hidden Knowledge Course is part of the PEERS empowerment network

"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"